Local Women Partners Updated Their Headshots

Such a fun day while the kids were all at school. The women from Meraki Salon in Center Twp, PA came into the home studio for their refresher headshots. I see Eryn several times a year since she is one of my FAVORITE stylists and FAVORITE clients. She always gives me support and sends clients my way so I’m so grateful for her. Lauren was a new client for me and she came nervous but ready to work. Added some tunes to get the girls attitudes out of them and after a pep talk or two we came out with these gorgeous shots.

I couldn’t be more proud of these ladies. Owning a small business is no joke and I’ve watched the salon grow over the years into such a successful and rewarding journey for them. I wish these stunners a lifetime of success and support from our community. Keep grinding your way to the top Eryn and Lauren…May the view from the top look as amazing as you make people feel!!



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